Just hold on a little longer

We’d thought we’d lost her for sure….

Tuesday morning, we found Spice (one of Eli's Romney ewes) laboring and clearly not doing well. Eli had checked her at 1am and didn’t see any signs of labor, but when Shane checked her at 5am,  he found struggling ewe with a lamb's nose and one foot delivered.


One leg is never, ever a good sign. (Two feet should present first, then a nose.)


We’d already pulled one HUGE ram last year and I had to pull another solo last week (one of Cinnamon's twins), who were both presenting one foot and nose forward, so we were feeling confident that we could help mama deliver and all would be well.


But it wasn't. 


No matter how we tried, we could not get the front leg forward: it was just too huge of a lamb. 


By this time, the head was delivered and we stopped seeing movement from the lamb. Not long after, mama collapsed on her knees (laying down in labor is normal, but this was NOT a typical side-laying, delivery position: this was utter exhaustion. )


Eli (who was anxiously standing by) gave mama electrolytes, and she rested and within minutes she was back up, laboring. 


Shane and I kept taking turns pulling and with my smaller hands, I was able to bring the shoulders forward just enough. Then Shane traded me out to try pulling again. 


At this point, we were sure we'd lost the lamb, its precious little limp body hanging, no signs of life. 


Just as Shane pulled it free, it lifted its head. It was still alive!


It's first few minutes of breathing were gasping and rasping. We kept rubbing her down, using a piece of straw to tickle her nose (which makes lambs sneeze) and let mama clean her up too. 


But what about her leg?


I held my breath: there was no way that we could have pulled that leg that hard and not damaged her shoulder or leg. But…


…but slowly at first, she started to attempt to stand. And soon she was soon on two wobbly feet, ready to nurse. Granted, it took her much longer to stand, but stand she did!


There never was a twin and no wonder…at birth this little miracle was the same weight as our 2 week old lambs! 

Turns out, sometimes when you think things are impossible, that you can't see how it could ever end well or that everything will be alright, you just needed to keep believing and keep trying.


I've found the moment when I tend to want to give up hope or just give up, is very moment that proceeds something miraculous and wonderful happening.


If you’ve found yourself feeling like there is no way forward, no solution, no possible way…just hold on a little tighter, for a little longer friend.