Learn more about The Growing Kindness Project™!

The Growing Kindness Project was founded here on our farm.

The Growing Kindness Project was founded here on our farm.

The Growing Kindness Project™, now a world wide movement to spread kindness and goodwill, started here on our farm. Together with the boys, we’d tow a Radio Flyer wagon through our local long term care homes, giving out flowers to everyone we met. The flowers were simply a catalyst that opened doors and hearts for moments of meaningful connection and goodwill. The next spring, as I divided dahlias in our barn, I realized I was holding the key to sharing the joy even farther. We opened our farm, giving away dahlia tubers to anyone who wanted to grow and give flowers in kindness. The response was overwhelming. We called it Growing Kindness and since that spring four years ago, it has grown into a world wide team of gardeners and flower farmers gifting flowers in kindness. Come cheer us on, or better yet-come join us!